The Trustees of The Mead Academy Trust are consulting on the proposed Admission to Reception class for River Mead School, 2020-2021, as determined by the School Admissions Code and The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012.

The Mead Academy Trust is consulting on planned changes to the admission number into Reception at River Mead School for September 2020. The Trust plans to reduce the planned admission number (PAN) from 45 to 30. We are required to consult on this planned change to the PAN for Reception class.

If you have any comments on our proposed admission arrangements, please email or write to:

Mrs R Higgs
Clerk to Governors at River Mead School
SN12 7ED

by 9am on Tuesday 29th January 2019.

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