Local Governing Body

River Mead School is part of EQUA Mead Learning Trust. The responsibility for the strategic management of the school is shared between the Headteacher, the Board of Trustees and the Local Governing Body.

The Local Governing Body supports River Mead School and has a general responsibility for the strategic management of the school. They are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school – that is the function of the Headteacher.

River Mead School Local Governing Body (LGB)

Clare Dimond - Co-opted
Colin Kay

Chair of the LGB


I chose to become an Academy Adviser for River Mead because I am really impressed with everything the school is doing. I hope my wide experience of education as a secondary headteacher and more recently as an education consultant will enable me to make a difference.
Clare Dimond - Co-opted
Lesley Shellard

Local Governor


I chose to become a Governor at River Mead School as I have strong links with the school stretching back for twenty five years when my children attended the school. The school provided them both with a love of learning and a strong foundation on which to build. I taught in Melksham for a number of years, before moving to Trowbridge where I was a Headteacher. I hope that my knowledge of the school and its community, alongside my educational background will enable me to support the school on its journey forwards.
Helena Armstrong - Co-opted
Louise Harrision


Clare Dimond - Co-opted
Sandra Dixon

Local Governor


I am delighted to be able to join River Mead School as a Local Governor. Having been part of The Mead Trust as a teacher I am excited now to be able to support the River Mead community in this role.

Having taught Music for many years at The Mead Community Primary School I have seen first-hand the wonderful benefit and joy participating in the arts gives children, and how this can shape their skills and confidence in so many other areas of their learning.  I am particularly looking forward to supporting River Meads arts provision.

From my own experience, and with many of my wider family also involved in teaching I am acutely aware of the demanding role that school staff have. I am very keen to support the well-being of the staff at River Mead School.

I look forward to meeting your children and the staff at River Mead School.

Stephanie Davis
Bruce Sanders

Local Governor


I have joined the Local Governing Body as I believe a good  primary education to be the most important step in a persons life. A good foundation allows you to build a good future.  I hope to support the school in its mission.


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